Compact air handling units with vertical duct connection.

VENTUS Compact TOP - Compact air handling units with vertical duct connection.
VENTUS Compact TOP - Compact air handling units with vertical duct connection.

VENTUS Compact TOP are energy saving units equipped with a hexagonal counter-flow recuperator, EC motors, Mini-Pleat or bag filters and integrated controls in the Plug&Play standard.

  • Capacity: from 1250 m3/h to 4000 m3/h
  • Energy recovery: up to 90% recovery efficiency
  • Foundation: standing AHUs with vertical duct connection
VENTUS Compact TOP - Compact air handling units with vertical duct connection. 1 VENTUS Compact TOP - Compact air handling units with vertical duct connection. 2 VENTUS Compact TOP - Compact air handling units with vertical duct connection. 3
Comparison of air handling units with upper and horizontal duct connections
Below is an infographic that illustrates the saved space needed for installation in a room - TOP air handling unit (A) in relation to the air handling unit with horizontal duct connection (B).


Compact air handling units with vertical duct connection are designed for installation in technical rooms inside the building.  

The units are constructed of mineral wool insulated panels covered with galvanized steel sheet. The panels are attached to a steel support structure that provides rigidity to the entire unit.

The AHUs are equipped with:

  • counter-flow hexagonal recuperator
  • EC motors
  • MINI - PLEAT or bag filters
  • multifunctional controls

For convenient operation, fan and filter section panels are equipped with hinges.

The panels are factory assembled, configured and ready to use immediately after connection (Plug&Play).

Energy efficiency

Compact air handling units with vertical duct connection are characterized by high heat recovery efficiency of up to 90%. 

In addition, the unit is equipped with energy-saving EC motors, as well as multifunctional controls, which, when properly configured, can achieve savings due to reduced demand for electricity.

Energy recovery
Powerful counter-flow hexagonal heat exchanger with bypass.
Recovery efficiency up to 90%.
EC motors
Efficient, quiet fan with low vibration levels, with class IE4 EC motor.


Compact air handling units with vertical duct connection feature multifunctional controls integrated in the unit.

Controls enables remote management of the air handling unit's operation via factory fitted VTS visualization or Advance HMI remote desktop.

In VENTUS Compact TOP AHUs, electrical and pneumatic connections between the fan section and the recovery section are carried out by connection of automation wires via electrical connectors. This reduces the risk of misconnection and shortens the assembly time to a required minimum.

Integrated controls in connection with factory wiring makes VENTUS Compact TOP AHUs offered in Plug&Play standard.

Visualisation of the unit operation
VTS factory visualisation enables monitoring as well as control of the unit operation.
Factory setting of parameters
The factory settings of the unit parameters in the delivered units are consistent with the parameters in the unit selection technical data sheet.
Multifunctional controls integrated into the unit casing - configured and ready to work.
Conrols in VENTUS Compact units is based on the uPC3 controller.


The proper functioning of the air handling unit depends on the effectiveness of the applied filtration.

Specialists recommend changing filters 2 to 4 times a year. Original, high-quality filters for VENTUS AHUs are available in the VTS online store.

You can easily choose filters for your AHU. Use the search engine, entering the VTS AHU number to order the correct set of filters.

The system of guides allows for a simple and quick replacement of filters.
Mini-pleat filters are designed in such a way that, with the same space as traditional panel filters, they provide several times larger filtration area and the resulting absorption capacity several times higher.
Unit size
Selection software
ClimaCAD OnLine 4 (CCOL4) - a software for selecting air handling and conditioning units
certified by Eurovent.
VENTUS Compact TOP - VENTUS Compact TOP, Compact air handling units with vertical duct connection., Selection software

ClimaCAD OnLine 4 (CCOL4) is a proprietary VTS device selection software. The software uses the latest technologies and programming platforms. The system is available from anywhere in the world, any device with a web browser and access to the Internet is sufficient.

The program includes modules for optimal selection of devices in terms of parameters and costs as well as generators of 2D and 3D .dwg files. The generators provide immediate availability of .dwg files for any device configuration. The system offers the possibility of automatic generation of descriptive and parametric technical specifications of the selected equipment. Full device parameters are available in .pdf and .html files

Unlimited number of configurations
Friendly user interface
Easy and simple selection
Integration with CRM, ERP, WMA systems
Files to download

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