Trainings and events in March and April



In March and April, we continued events dedicated to the new products in the VTS Group portfolio: VENTUS Compact with heat pump and VENTUS Compact TOP.

Webinars were held for customers from: Europe, India and MEA region. The webinars were attended by about 700 customers.

In addition to the webinars dedicated to air handling units, the EH marketing and sales team organized webinars for clients from: the USA and Europe. Features of the WING and VOLCANO were presented to 240 participants.



In April about 170 customers from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia visited seminars arranged in Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn. During the seminars, clients had a chance to see novelties in VTS Group offer, amongst other VENTUS Compact TOP.


Trainings for VTS Group employees took place during March and April. It consisted of remote and face-to-face training sessions.

The Polish sales team visited VTS Group Logistic Center and had the opportunity to learn about the construction of the VENTUS Compact HP and TOP.

The heat pump units were switched on and tested under different operating conditions: in heating and cooling mode, during supply and return air imbalance, in condensate freezing mode etc.


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