We are pleased to introduce our latest campaign that promotes VOLCANO heating units. Learn how thermal comfort in the workplace can impact building relationships and achieving shared success.
Džiaugiamės savo naujausiu projektu, kuriame pristatome VTS group VENTUS VVS modulinius vėdinimo įrenginius, kurie yra pakilę aukštai ant prestižinio Vestum verslo centro stogo Lietuvoje, Vilniuje.
We're thrilled to announce that for several years now, VTS Group has been a trusted provider of air handling units to France in partnership with our dealer France Clim - AERMEC Grand-Est.
VENTUS VVS021-VVS300 ( up to 30 000 m3/h ) modular air handling units can be equipped with EC motors with power ratings of 1.5kW and 2.4kW.
Informuojame, kad pasikeitė pakabinamo vėdinimo įrenginio VENTUS Compact VVS005s konstrukcija.