Making Airports safer with VTS Ceiling suspended AHUs
King Khalid
International Airport is located 35km north of Saudi Arabia’s capital city
Riyadh. In terms of surface area, it is one of the largest airports in the
world. It has undergone a tremendous transformation in the last 2 years in
terms of its services and accessibility in line with Saudi Arabia Vision 2030
and the push to welcome more tourists and opening the borders to international
trade and investments.
To fulfil the demand of the Airport's air conditioning system, VTS AHUs helps in the proper maintenance of air exchange, temperature, humidity levels. Airports being one of the key infrastructural development projects, VTS VENTUS S-type helps in the sophisticated management of energy demand in a more efficient way and ensuring the wellbeing of staff and passengers.
Connect with our Sales representative for the supply of Air Handling units for any infrastructural project all across the Middle East Region.